In Just 5 Easy Steps
Picking the right name for your start-up can make or break the success that follows. With that in mind, choosing the right name can be a stressful and overwhelming experience.
To help you get off to a good start, we have developed a method that will simplify the naming process for you.
1. Define
Before you start naming your business, you should think about what makes your business unique. Then grab a pen and paper (or computer) and write down the benefits of your product or service that appeal to your customers. Try and come up with a list of 10 key adjectives that describe and define your business the best.
The list will give you a direction.
2. Research
With your handy list of words, try plugging them into name generators. Use and Shopify’s Business Name Generator to generate business names and check availability. The purpose of using these tools is to give you some creative name combinations that may inspire you.
3. Brainstorm
Once you have checked the availability of your favorite name combinations, test them out with close family and friends. Make sure to tell them that you would like them to be 100% honest on their feelings. This is a great way to see a person’s initial reaction to your favorite name. Do they get it? Does it make sense to them? If not, you want to reconsider your names.
4. Filter
After getting some input from family and friends, start to narrow down the names. Avoid using names that are too broad. It’s good to be creative but, it’s important for customers to know what your business is. Next, eliminate names that are already trademarked. Use Trademark to check.
5. Name It
At this point, you should have narrowed down a couple names that you see fit. If you can’t decide on just one, don’t settle and keep brainstorming. The worst names come from business owners who give up or just settle. It’s okay to take your time. Some businesses take months to come up with the perfect name. So, keep thinking.