Is there a good way to get personal training studio equipment at low costs?
The heart of any fitness studio, whether they teach dance classes or provide aerobic exercise abilities or help with weightlifting, is the equipment setup. It doesn’t matter whether you’re pumping iron or running on a treadmill: if you’re working out, chances are you are using some very expensive equipment, and this equipment is normally the downside to starting a new fitness studio.
Many business owners know that they can start a successful fitness studio: they’ve done the research, have the best spot picked out, and know how they can make their business successful. The only downside is the equipment setup and the cost; the two disadvantages new businesses have is a lack of regulars and a lack of funds, which gives them issues in quality of service.
Many fitness studios need to make sure that they have both quality equipment and a great quantity of equipment, and having the money for these is extremely difficult. Luckily, a solution for businesses like fitness studios is leasing your personal training studio equipment, which can allow you to pay low, flat rates on all of your hardware, allowing you to save massive amounts of cash.
This allows you to get good equipment on low costs and give you more money that you can spend on other parts of your studio.
What should you get out of a Fitness Studio?
There are quite a few factors to making sure that your fitness studio has the best setup possible, and most of what your business should have is based off of pleasing the customers in the best manner possible. For example, making sure that your location is the best possible is extremely important; having your building in a noticeable location or near places that are often visited is vital for your new business to reel in customers.
You want people to drive or walk by your business and be instantly curious as to what it might contain inside, but, more importantly, you want to make sure that your personal training studio equipment delivers.
This is where both variety and quantity come into play as far as equipment goes. People who go to a gym want two things: they want a low wait time for machines, and they want to be able to do different forms of similar exercises.
Having to wait to use a treadmill or a bench is extremely inconvenient, but not being able to pull off a certain exercise because you lack the hardware is even worse. If your gym is stocked up to the best level possible, you can avoid disappointing customers in both of these ways.
What is Leasing?
The process of leasing is very straightforward, but is oftentimes misused for a business, causing company owners a great deal of grief. Instead of flat out buying massive stock of the equipment you need, you can get well refurbished equipment delivered to you that you can use for a pre-determined period of time.
In this time, you pay a set monthly fee that does not change, you keep the equipment running well, and can get it repaired by the company if necessary. If you want, you can also buy out of the contract at a certain cancellation fee, but if you make it to the end of the contract, you get a few options.
You can buy the equipment, continue the lease and upgrade the equipment, or return the equipment. The advantage to leasing is the upgrade in equipment, the tax deductible, and the lower up-front cost, but many business owners get the wrong type of contract for the equipment they are leasing and end up in serious hot water.
If your contract is too long or your payments are too much in the long run, you can end up paying money you shouldn’t have had to spend, or have equipment that you’re not using and monthly payments to make on said equipment.
Adding on expenses this way can be detrimental to your fitness studio financially, and that’s why it’s paramount that you do your research on cost of the equipment and look for the best lease possible to match what you want to get out of your personal training studio equipment.
Is Personal Training Studio Equipment Leasing the Best Option?
When it comes down to it, your fitness studio needs to be run smart to be successful, and the personal training aspect is especially important. Considering you already need to spend salary money on a few fitness trainers, getting the financing for personal training studio equipment can be a challenge.
Luckily, with leasing, you can cut this expense down to low monthly payments and get well-running, furbished equipment. In addition, you get benefits like getting a tax deductible or getting your equipment upgraded over time so you can keep up with technological advances.
With leasing, you can easily improve the state of your startup company; for more information about personal training studio equipment, click here.