Proper Business Financing and Management

Smart Small Business Finances For those of us who own small businesses, mismanagement of finances is a capital crime. The cash you have is what your company lives on, and any wasteful spending can have disastrous consequences, in some cases determining whether you will make a profit or folding your tents.  Those small business owners…

Buying Commercial Equipment Pros And Cons

In our last entry, we examined the pros and cons of leasing commercial equipment, and now we turn our attention to the practice of buying said equipment. For many, there is still something to be said for actually purchasing and owning the equipment that your company uses, but is it always the preferred course? Buying…

Your Small Business And Leasing Equipment

Leasing is becoming the newest wave for many small businesses, owners who want to have the best possible equipment to run their business without expending unnecessary capital. Of course the old argument about leasing versus buying is still alive and quite well, so it becomes necessary every now and again to examine the pros and…