Fitness Trends 2012 – Physician Referrals

Physician-ReferralsIt’s a foregone conclusion that exercise is good for us. It is also a foregone conclusion that not enough of us participate in it. Obesity levels in the United States are at all time highs, the result of too much fast food and too little activity. Many of us have often considered joining a gym, and then we either fail to do it or we do purchase the membership, go once or twice, and decide it isn’t for us. Usually this is way before any meaningful benefit may have the chance to be realized.

Doctor’s Orders

On the other hand, we do often listen to what our doctor has to say, and only the truly mindless among us would ignore doctors orders, particularly if we know that doing so may have dire consequences for our health. That being said, more and more physicians are beginning to integrate exercise into their patients’ lives, even going so far as to heartily recommend or prescribe membership in a local gym or working with a personal trainer. Some physicians even have partnerships with personal trainers, calling on them to work with problem health patients to get them back in shape and improve their overall well being.


This has become popularly known as the Medicine Initiative, partnering medical professionals and fitness professionals to create the healthiest possible regimen for patient or clients.  The idea is that medicine only goes so far, proper nutrition only goes so far, and exercise only goes so far. See a pattern here? But by creating a perfect blend of all three elements, the patient has an excellent chance of living the healthiest lifestyle possible.

Of the three components, exercise is the hardest one to enforce, just because it’s easier to kick back on the couch with chips and a soda. Well, you can have the chips and the soda, in moderation off course, but exercise is the one surefire way to prevent it from sticking in your midsection or wherever else you need help.

An Exceptional Result

You follow the doctors’ prescript when he sends you to the pharmacy for medication, so why wouldn’t you listen when he says that exercise is an equally important component?  The trainers that they partner with work through local gyms, or they may freelance, allowing them the flexibility to come to your home or business at a time that is convenient for you. They will be able to put you on a steadily intensifying regimen that will improve your strength, stamina, overall mood, and sense of well being and self esteem.

LeaseQ is the leading provider of fitness equipment lease and finance in the country, covering the widest array of available options and plans.

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