Is The Lending Environment Improving?

The Lending Forecast With all of the economic uncertainty in the business world, is it in fact possible to make a determination on the stability of the markets? Some recent surveys and studies have found small business lending corresponding with an easing of credit restrictions, with a few exceptions. One prominent leasing index showed a…

New Equipment Trends For 2013

The Equipment Leasing Forecast The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) has just released its projections for the top equipment acquisition trends for the coming year. This takes into account data from last year as well as patterns that have been established in the leasing and financing arena. Collated data is used to make the…

The Best Fitness Protein Shakes

The Protein Shake – Myth or Not? Okay, we’ve heard people talk about them, those fitness programs where you have a shake in place of one or two meals each day. Doing this for a month and the weight falls off, right? Does it actually work the way it is often described? Better still, movies…

Top Five Fitness Apps

Nowadays, when it comes to getting fit, your smartphone needs to come along with you, right along with your running shoes, sweats, weights, and the rest. A recent study reports that more and more Americans are now using their smartphones to look up health related information than they did just two short years ago, and…