Fitness Trends 2012 – Fitness Programs For Older Adults

fitness-old-adultsFor most of us, we discover as time goes by that our middle age and middle section are both ballooning in direct proportion to one another. We get a little lazier as the years go by, and eventually give up on the painstaking efforts to keep looking like we did in our 20’s and 30’s. The good news is that it is never too late to being and exercise regimen, and older adults stand to benefit a great deal from taking those steps to get back into prime shape.

Never Too Late For Fitness

Even if it’s been years since you last saw the inside of a gym, you can still take full advantage of all of the pluses that go along with fitness training. Regular cardiovascular exercise such as walking or jogging or even swimming strengthens the heart and surrounding muscles. It also gives a boost to energy and endurance. This sort of exercise also controls blood sugar levels and can actually put you in a much better mood.  Resistance training or strength training goes a long way toward preserving muscle tone and bone health, allowing you to go about your daily activities without a lot of the pain and stiffness that many “old folks” complain about.

With age comes the inevitable medical conditions or limitations, so you should consult your physician before beginning any sort of rigid exercise program.  In many cases, exercise helps manage health conditions, even lousy ones, and may in fact put off the threat of a heart attack or stroke. In some cases your doctor may recommend beginning in a supervised setting before striking out on your own.

Walking exercises are among the easiest and yet most productive of all routines, as it is easier on the joints, much like swimming or water walking or bicycling. You should always start with a 5 minute regimen and then gradually work up to 155 minutes or an hour or whatever works the best for you. Within 6-8 weeks, you should begin to notice a marked difference in how you feel, look, and perform.

The other good news is that it doesn’t cost much to get into fitness. Walking and running cost nothing beyond the price of a good pair of running shoes, and if you do choose to get into the home gym scene, fitness equipment dealers are ready and able to offer fitness equipment leasing and financing designed around your budget.

Fitness Programs For Any Age

There are many age appropriate fitness programs out there, designed to work with various age groups and medical limitations. There is no reason that anyone, at any age, cannot find a way to get back into the best shape of their lives. As the baby boomer generation slowly moves into retirement, many of these people have much more discretionary income than in years past, and are able to invest in personal trainers and fitness equipment.

LeaseQ is one of the leading fitness equipment leasing companies in the country, covering the widest array of available options and plans.

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