Should You Buy Used Fitness Equipment?

used-fitness-equipment-leasingIn some cases involving fitness equipment, financial situations or just overall general need may dictate whether you look to obtain new equipment or used. For the record, used is not a bad way to go. There are several scenarios in which used equipment may fit the bill just fine.  Used equipment such as treadmills, exercise bikes, rowing machines, and free weight equipment can be had used for a mere fraction of what they cost new.

The Benefits Of Used Fitness Equipment

Of course not all fitness equipment is worth the savings, so it is important to evaluate a number of considerations before committing yourself.  Keep in mind that the variety of equipment on the market is considerable, and the specific pieces of equipment to be purchased should reflect the broadest possible use, making sure that you get your money out of the purchase.

The equipment will need to be tried out to make sure that it is in good working order and something that you and your clients can get the most use out of over the long haul. Buying a piece of gear just because it is a great deal is no guarantee that it will be used. Sometimes items are “great deals” for a reason!

Look for name brands. No name or lesser known name brands may be less expensive, but you still want the quality that comes with an established brand.  For example, a cheap no name heart rate monitor would be considered a bad investment.

Look for signs of wear and tear. If the equipment has outlived its usefulness, then there is little point in purchasing it. Take the time to look for signs that the equipment is or is not in good working order. Likewise, you should make sure that it is safe and that all safety protocols are working. Electronics should work as indicated, and mechanical devices such as treadmills and stationary bikes shold move smoothly and stop easily.

How To Find What You Need

Used fitness equipment is readily available in any number of locations, most notably the ubiquitous yard sale down the street. You can also find this sort of gear on CraigsList, eBay, and Recycler. What you spend depends on the amount of homework you have done. Research the price on used gear like what you are shopping for, as this will give you a good idea of the market value of the item.

Of course some fitness gear should not be bought used, such as shoes or heart rate monitors  or any of the more delicately balanced pieces. In many cases you may want the warranty coverage that goes along with buying new.

If you decide to go with new, then check out some of the fitness equipment leasing and financing options available through LeaseQ.

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