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The Problem Of Prompt Payment One of the single largest problems for any company is fluctuation in cash flow, which may become problematic if customers and clients are late paying for goods or services. Some businesses may operate with several thousand dollars in unpaid invoices at any given time. This makes it difficult if not…

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In our last entry, we examined the pros and cons of leasing commercial equipment, and now we turn our attention to the practice of buying said equipment. For many, there is still something to be said for actually purchasing and owning the equipment that your company uses, but is it always the preferred course? Buying…

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Leasing is becoming the newest wave for many small businesses, owners who want to have the best possible equipment to run their business without expending unnecessary capital. Of course the old argument about leasing versus buying is still alive and quite well, so it becomes necessary every now and again to examine the pros and…

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Reaching Your Fitness Goals…. Many of us think that playing sports, or at least playing them well, is out of the question, at least until we get in better shape. This is a mistake, as there are several sports out there that can actually benefit your fitness goals, allowing you to get fit while enjoying some…

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Removing Yourself From The Equation Anyone who opens a restaurant is not going to be afraid of a little hard work, because that is about the only thing that is going to keep that restaurant afloat for the first few vital years. And even after you have established a customer base and have a steady…

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The Lowdown On Equipment Leasing At LeaseQ, we are in the business of equipment leasing, and of course we want you as a customer. To be fair however, we also fully realize that there are instances where leasing might not be the best course. With that in mind, we are going to look at some…

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Equipment Leasing Considerations There was a time where if you wanted or needed something, you bought it and you owned it until you made the decision to sell it to someone else. Not anymore. Equipment leasing is the wave of the future for businesses large and small, and the good news is that virtually anything…

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Fitness Equipment Leasing And Choices With a disproportionate percentage of Americans solidly in the overweight category, it is no wonder that many folks look at fitness programs and equipment for one purpose and one purpose only, the burning off of all that fat we have managed to collect over the years.  Depending on the shape…

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Restaurant Management 101 Running a restaurant is a dream job for anybody who has the talent for crafting amazing meals. Unfortunately, there is a lot more to it than that.  You have to have a concept for your establishment, a unique menu, the right staff, and the day to day chores involved with running a…

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Fitness And Your Career We all want to get ahead in our careers, which as we all know require strength, drive, focus, and commitment, not unlike your fitness routine. With that in mind, let us examine some other life lessons that you can take from your daily fitness workout into the office with the goal…

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