How can leasing shop equipment save you money and improve your business in the long run?
When it comes to running a business, it’s all about your service given and your profit gained. You set your company up right, you draw in customers and provide them with whatever service you offer, and you get paid hopefully more than your expenses so you can make a profit and a living.
Many businesses aim to make their initial expenses as low as possible while putting themselves in the time and place to make the biggest profit possible, but there are many businesses with higher risk involved.
A very risky business to start is any kind of machine shop simply because of the high expenses; machine shops can make a good amount of money, whether they’re designing or repairing vehicle parts or custom building hardware or just producing mass amounts of bolts and such for a specific company.
Machine shops have potential to make a lot of money simply because parts are continuously needed, and if you get into the appropriate area, you can make money. The challenging in starting any business but especially a machine shop is money; you’ll need a huge amount of money for the equipment needed in a machine shop especially, never mind the main business start up costs like employees, a building, and materials.
That’s why many businesses consider leasing shop equipment, allowing them to save money in the long run and lowering their initial expenses massively, allowing them to start up their business and giving it the best chance of success.
Machine Shops and how they Work
A machine shop is defined as any building or company that has some kind of machining tools that work on tougher substances like metals and polymers. They’re used to both make and repair equipment; some machine shops like auto collision facilities repair the exteriors of cars and replace some interior car parts while others like manufacturing companies mass produce bolts and screws and such.
Many machine shops are customization shops; oftentimes, businesses need a specialized part custom-built for a purpose, and a machine shop will design and build this part for a higher price. Many mechanical engineers will custom-design parts for a more advanced product or build something that has some special niche to it.
This area is more challenging to get into, but if you have a skill-set for it, you easily have the potential to make a living out of it. The more popular machine shops for customers to directly visit are anything automotive related, but manufacturing businesses do make a high profit because they directly interact with businesses that need a high supply of parts.
Oftentimes, machine shops will be stocked with equipment like lathes, drill presses, CNC or computer-controlled drilling machines, cutting/welding equipment, dies and molds for mass-production, and more. It always depends on the type of company, but the fact of the matter is, if you’re starting a machine shop, you’ll need a huge amount of equipment, and that’s where leasing shop equipment comes into play.
What’s a Lease? Why can’t I just buy Equipment?
Many business owners want to know why they should lease; they’ve heard bad stories about leases gone wrong and consider just taking out a loan and buying the equipment. True, buying equipment does allow you to claim all of your hardware as an asset, making you money.
But taking a loan can be tricky in terms of interest, especially when the equipment may not last a long time or a better form of equipment is coming out within the next few years. In addition, upgrading your equipment or getting choices on equipment is tougher when you buy it; when you lease, you get to choose what hardware you want, and that’s the key to leases.
Many business owners just settle for any contract they get, and they end up with a bad lease and a liability for their business. A lease is a contract, a deal, and you want the best one you can get, so you should know what you want in terms of the deal.
Do your homework, look up and see how long your equipment should last, how much it normally costs to buy, and the chances of it being surpassed technologically anytime soon. From there, you can do some math and see if a lease is worth it in the long run.
Leases have a flat monthly rate and a contract period, and with a little math, you can see if a lease is worth it in the long run.
What can Leasing Shop Equipment do for Me?
With a lease, it’s all about the numbers; making sure you do the math on how much a lease on a particular piece of equipment costs versus leasing it is vital. There’s no point in accepting a lease if the overall price of the lease is too high, and there’s especially no point in getting a long term lease on equipment you don’t need long or needs to be replaced soon.
Don’t be one of those business owners that gets a long lease that is far too expensive for short-term equipment, and try to get out of the lease only to find a high termination fee waiting. Leasing shop equipment can and will be a huge asset, but you have to make it an asset to your business.
A lease will help your company, especially in the case of extremely expensive shop equipment, but only if you do it right and make sure you get the best deal possible. You’ll pay much less for all the well-running equipment you need, get tax deductibles out of the deal, and be able to put more money into jump-starting your business.
Once the lease is up, you can even continue the lease or just buy the equipment! If you want to learn more about how leasing shop equipment can help your business, click here.